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发布时间:2020-01-03 12:49来源:小芝士咖啡网字体大小:




When it comes to specialty coffee, every step in the supply chainbecomes extremely important in creating the final product that we enjoy as acup of coffee. One hugely important stepin the chain of coffee from seed to cup, is roasting.


Roasting coffee, on the surface, seems like a simple enough processof taking a green coffee bean, adding some heat, and in a few minutes you haveroast coffee. While the process may bejust that simple for some companies and consumers who don’t take the time toenjoy the finer, more complex aspects of coffee, for specialty coffee craftsmenand consumers the process is much more detailed and involved.

在烘培的全过程中咖啡豆亲身经历着很多不一样的有机化学和物理学的转变,根据这种转变针对最终咖啡品质的危害许多 依然沒有被彻底了解。一些危害咖啡烘培的要素(仅举几起)包含:空气,热原,温度升高速度,圆筒筛转速比( 针对烘培圆筒筛来讲),电扇速率,完毕温度和制冷時间。


During the roasting process the coffee bean undergoes so manydifferent chemical and physical changes that many are still not fullyunderstood as to their impact on the coffee’s final quality. Some of thefactors affecting the roast include airflow, heat source, rate of temperaturerise, drum speed (for drum roasters), fan speed, ending temperature and coolingtime, just to name a few.

With so many different variables to control and monitor duringroasting that impact the quality of the roast, it’s no wonder that so manybatches of coffee are (tragically) over-roasted, under-roasted or meet someother fate as a roasted defect each year.

有许许多多不一样的烘培缺陷会出現,可是一些最普遍的包含: 焙烤,顶端烧糊,损坏豆,部分烧糊和 迅速烘培。 你能在老版英国精典咖啡研究会的咖啡特色美食轮的不适当烘培一部分见到所例举的这种要素。

There are many different kinds of roast defects that can occur, butsome of the most prevalent include: baking, tipping, chipping, scorching, andfast roasting. You can see a few of these listed on the old version SCAA’sCoffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel under Improper Roasting.

焙烤 Baking

焙烤将会出現在烘培全过程的一些层面。将会因为烘培全过程中温度过低。因此准确的讲焙烤是在全部咖啡的规范烘培時间12分鐘里,温度的提高是每分1-2 摄氏(这儿仅谈试品烘培)。



焙烤状况下的黄豆,一般会表层颜色上看见像规范烘培,可是黄豆內部的颜色将不容易和黄豆外界颜色相符合。相对来说,规范烘培黄豆內部颜色应当相对性Agtron 标值浅 5 分。相对性规范烘培的咖啡得话,焙烤的咖啡尝起來会十分的简单,乏味,也将会会有相近谷类或吐司面包的味儿。

Baking can occur at a few places during roasting. It can occur from too low of heat appliedthroughout the roast, thus actually baking the coffee by only increasing thetemperature 1-2 degrees per minute for a total roast time of well over thestandard 12 minutes (talking about sample roasting).

Usually people will also calla roast baked if at any point during the roast the rate of rise per minuteeither doesn’t increase or actually drops. This usually happens near firstcrack when, in order to keep the beans from over-roasting, the roaster willlower the heat source and either lower it too far or keep it lowered for toolong. Baking the roast will usually create a bean that on the outside lookslike a standard roast, but the inside color of the bean will not match theoutside, which for a standard roast the inside color should be around 5 pointslighter using the Agtron scale.

A bakes cup will typically taste very flat and dull compared to astandard roast of the same coffee, and can also have grain or bread-like flavornotes.



Tipping usually happens during what’s called a violent roast, orwhen too much heat is applied too quickly.The tip of the bean, near the embryo, bursts leaving a dark indention onthe end of the bean. Tipped coffee will usually have a skunky or cereal-likeflavor.



Chipping is similar to tipping in that it occurs during violentroasts and is more prevalent in dark roasted coffees. Chipping happens when the moisture level inthe bean begins evaporating at such a rate that the weakest point of the beanmembrane can no longer contain the pressure, bursting and creating a chip onthe surface of the bean. Not to beconfused with tipping,chipping usually occurs on the rounded surface of the bean. Chippingcreates no flavor defect of its own, but almost always happens in dark roastedcoffees, therefore the coffee will have dark, char-like flavor notes.




Scorching occurs due to having too high of a drum chargetemperature. Charge temperature refers to the temperature at the beginning ofthe roast when the roaster places the green coffee inside the drum. Because ofthe high temperature, the surface of the green coffee will actually becomescorched, leaving black marks on the surface of the bean.


You may or may not be able to see the marks clearly on the finalroasted bean due to the darker color of the coffee, meaning scorching issometimes harder to detect. The scorching creates a charred or ash-like flavorin the coffee.




A fast roast is simply that, when a roaster roasts the coffee tooquickly. This happens when too much heatis applied and the rate of rise is so high that the coffee doesn’t have time tofully develop during the roast. Theoutside surface of the bean will look like a standard roast color, but theinside of the bean will be light and underdeveloped.

Many times fast roasts,because of the rapid heating, will also be taken too dark. This creates a combination of char and ashflavor from the over-roasted surface of the bean and under-developed hay orgrass-like flavors from the inside of the bean.



Because of the amount of variables to control and issues that canoccur during coffee roasting, it’s imperative as specialty coffee artisans,that we educate ourselves on these issues and are aware so that we are able tocraft the finest coffee quality possible, passing along all of the hard work ofthe farmers and everyone who has brought the coffee to this point in the supplychain, and deliver what can truly be called specialty coffee.




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